About me
The call of life to us forever flowers…
Anon, my heart: Say farewell and recover!
Anon, my heart: Say farewell and recover!
Hermann Hesse
As Hermann Hesse wrote in his poem „Steps“, saying goodbye to stresses and disturbances in my very early life has essentially led to a healing and thus also to a changed way of dealing with relationships and problems in everyday life.
I became a mother to three children, am now married for the second time and retired after a fulfilling professional life as a teacher.
I felt early on that life coaching was a matter close to my heart and I successfully completed the training over several years alongside family and work.
Since then I have regularly attended seminars and supervisions and kept myself up to date on relevant topics.

If you want to know more about me
- As a lecturer, I do volunteer work in my church.
- I like to exercise in nature and draw strength from hiking, cycling, cross-country skiing, looking and being amazed.
- A book, a film, a meeting with loved ones, looking at the sea, music, a good coffee creates a balance to everyday life.
- I satisfy my curiosity for new things through travelling, going on excursions, cultural and music events.
My professional career
- Diplom Lebens- und Sozialberaterin – psychologische Beraterin (Diplom 2018)
- Notfallseelsorgerin (Diplom 2007) und Lektorin im Ehrenamt
- Mitglied des Kriseninterventionsteams der Schule
- Religionspädagogin – 25 Jahre Lehrerin an Pflichtschulen, höheren und berufsbildenden Schulen
- Lehre zur Hotel- und Gastgewerbeassistentin und mehrjähriger Aufenthalt in der Schweiz, in England und in Frankreich.